Capacity to Grant and Revoke Powers of Attorney

by: , May 7, 2024

The validity of powers of attorney can be challenged on the basis that the grantor was incapable when she signed the power of attorney. The requisite capacity to grant a power of attorney for property is set out in s. 8(1) of the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992, SO 1992, c. 30 (the “SDA”) which provides…read more

The Guardianship Application

by: , November 6, 2023

We see a lot of guardianship disputes in the estate litigation world. Typically, a guardianship application arises when an individual lacks capacity to manage his or her property and/or personal care, and there is no power of attorney in place to make financial and/or personal care decisions on behalf of that incapable person. In such…read more

Power of Attorney resources and more from the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

by: , June 12, 2023

In an effort to encourage Ontarians to think ahead and create Power of Attorneys, the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) recently launched a video series all about Power of Attorney documents and their use. This new video series aims to increase awareness about Powers of Attorney, including the basics of what they…read more

Am I a Spouse? The Mystery of Spousal Benefits

by: , February 13, 2023

Under the laws of Ontario, certain rights and benefits are conveyed to a “spouse.” However, there is not a universal definition of “spouse”: whether you qualify for spousal benefits depends on the governing statute. Below is a summary of some of the most common rights and benefits sought by a “spouse” on the death of…read more

Compelling a Guardian or Attorney to Account

by: , January 16, 2023

Attorneys of property must keep detailed records of their management of the grantor of the power of attorney’s (the “grantor”) affairs. The reason for this is so they may pass their accounts when needed. While some attorneys may periodically pass their accounts without prompting, others may not. This can be frustrating for others who care…read more

Involving the PGT in Guardianship and Estate Matters

by: , May 4, 2021

Guardianship and estate disputes often present complex family dynamics touching upon a myriad of issues. Where the interests of an incapable adult are involved in litigation, the office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (the “PGT”) becomes involved. By way of background, the PGT functions in accordance with the Public Guardian and Trustee Act and…read more

Compensation for Attorneys for Personal Care

by: , March 2, 2021

Today’s blog was written by Tyler Lin, student-at-law Good Deeds Deserve Fair Rewards: Daniel Estate (Re) and Ontario’s Common Law Scheme for Compensation for Attorneys for Personal Care Last year, I wrote a blog exploring the theme of whether bad deeds deserve punishment in dependant support claims (the answer: not always). This blog explores whether…read more

What Happens When a Fiduciary Misappropriates Funds?

by: , July 25, 2020

There is growing concern about the financial exploitation of the elderly by their attorneys for property. The combination of a cognitively impaired grantor (a person who appoints an attorney for property) paired with an attorney who has unfettered access to all of the grantor’s property creates the potential for financial abuse by attorneys. A power…read more

Ten Things an Attorney for Property Should Know Before Acting

by: , June 1, 2020

Acting as the attorney for property of an incapable person comes with important responsibilities that should not be taken lightly or underestimated. However, a person who takes on the role may be unaware of their obligations under the Substitute Decisions Act, S.O. 1992, c.30, the legislation in Ontario that governs powers of attorney. In particular:…read more

Who makes decisions for me if I become incapable and have not made plans?

by: , April 29, 2020

Before COVID-19, many of us had earmarked 2020 as the year we would get our affairs in order, including preparing powers of attorney for personal care and property. Unfortunately we may have not gotten around to it.  The pandemic has accelerated discussions about intubation, CPR and end of life care.  Additionally, many people, especially those…read more