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Posts Categorized: Guardianship Applications
19 ResultsThe Guardianship Application
We see a lot of guardianship disputes in the estate litigation world. Typically, a guardianship application arises when an individual lacks capacity to manage his or her property and/or personal care, and there is no power of attorney in place to make financial and/or personal care decisions on behalf of that incapable person. In such…read more
Court Approval of a Settlement – A Refresher
There are many reasons parties may settle a lawsuit: a settlement mitigates the risks of losing in court, and puts an end to the emotional and financial drain of litigation. If all the parties to the litigation are capable adults, there is no barrier to reaching (and implementing) a settlement: once the settlement agreement is…read more
Am I a Spouse? The Mystery of Spousal Benefits
Under the laws of Ontario, certain rights and benefits are conveyed to a “spouse.” However, there is not a universal definition of “spouse”: whether you qualify for spousal benefits depends on the governing statute. Below is a summary of some of the most common rights and benefits sought by a “spouse” on the death of…read more
Compelling a Guardian or Attorney to Account
Attorneys of property must keep detailed records of their management of the grantor of the power of attorney’s (the “grantor”) affairs. The reason for this is so they may pass their accounts when needed. While some attorneys may periodically pass their accounts without prompting, others may not. This can be frustrating for others who care…read more
When Siblings Fight – Removing a co-attorney
Anybody with a sibling can tell you. Nobody gets under your skin quite like a brother or a sister can. When it comes to care in their old age, many parents will name multiple children as their attorneys for property or personal care. The sentiment is understandable. Parents may not want certain children to feel…read more
What are the Steps in an Uncontested Guardianship Application?
When an elderly parent loses the ability to make financial or care decisions on his own, families often rally together. The adult children may find they are able to execute financial and care decisions for their parent on an informal basis, and this informal management will continue until a bank or medical facility refuses to…read more
Involving the PGT in Guardianship and Estate Matters
Guardianship and estate disputes often present complex family dynamics touching upon a myriad of issues. Where the interests of an incapable adult are involved in litigation, the office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (the “PGT”) becomes involved. By way of background, the PGT functions in accordance with the Public Guardian and Trustee Act and…read more
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) – Still Controversial
In Canada, MAID has now been legal since June 2016 when the Parliament of Canada passed federal legislation that allowed eligible Canadian adults to request medical assistance in dying. However, the issue is by no means settled and the courts have been frequently called upon to referee MAID’s implementation and application. By way of background,…read more
Can an Attorney for Personal Care be Compensated?
When the issue of compensation is not specifically addressed in the Power of Attorney for Personal Care, a guardian for personal care may be wondering whether they are entitled to compensation. Legislation, however, does not provide a clear answer. While under the Substitute Decisions Act an attorney for property is expressly allowed to take compensation,…read more
Who makes decisions for me if I become incapable and have not made plans?
Before COVID-19, many of us had earmarked 2020 as the year we would get our affairs in order, including preparing powers of attorney for personal care and property. Unfortunately we may have not gotten around to it. The pandemic has accelerated discussions about intubation, CPR and end of life care. Additionally, many people, especially those…read more