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Posts By: Elaine Yu
11 ResultsA Refresher of Courtroom Etiquette
For civil matters, parties represented by a lawyer do not necessarily need to attend a hearing. For parties who may want attend court hearings anyways, here are a few etiquette and practical considerations to be aware of prior to entering the court room: For virtual hearings: – Log in to the zoom link several minutes…read more
Litigation en Français
Under the Courts of Justice Act, the official languages of the courts of Ontario are English and French.[1] A party to a proceeding who speaks French has the right to require that it be conducted as a bilingual proceeding, meaning: – The hearings that the party specifies shall be presided over by a judge or…read more
Lost connection: A brief overview of jurisdiction
In today’s global economy, it’s not unusual for an estate to hold property across several provinces or countries. Where litigation involving such an estate looms ahead, there is always the question of where to bring the claim, also known as jurisdiction. One thing to keep in mind is that each province is its own jurisdiction….read more
He said, she said, hearsay
The basic rule of evidence is that all relevant evidence is admissible. However, there are exceptions to this basic rule. One of the main exceptions is the rule against hearsay. But what exactly is hearsay? Today’s blog post will be a very basic overview of a complicated, tricky legal concept. What is hearsay? In R….read more
Power of Attorney resources and more from the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
In an effort to encourage Ontarians to think ahead and create Power of Attorneys, the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) recently launched a video series all about Power of Attorney documents and their use. This new video series aims to increase awareness about Powers of Attorney, including the basics of what they…read more
Amendment of Pleadings
At the outset, there can be a lot of mystery surrounding estate litigation. Every person involved likely has a different story, and will reveal previously unknown information as matters progress and affidavits are exchanged. As new facts emerge over the course of litigation, a party may discover new claims arising from the same series of…read more
The Consent and Capacity Board
Capacity is often a key component of estate litigation, especially in the context of guardianship and attorneyship disputes. These fights are, for the most part, heard before the Superior Court of Justice. And yet, there is an administrative board with ‘capacity’ built into the name – the Consent and Capacity Board (“CCB”). What is the…read more
Compelling a Guardian or Attorney to Account
Attorneys of property must keep detailed records of their management of the grantor of the power of attorney’s (the “grantor”) affairs. The reason for this is so they may pass their accounts when needed. While some attorneys may periodically pass their accounts without prompting, others may not. This can be frustrating for others who care…read more
Searching for a will, and what to do if a will is lost or destroyed
Searching for a Will It can be difficult to know where to start when searching for a will. First and foremost, remember that a will does not necessarily have to be prepared by a lawyer. If you think the deceased may have prepared a holograph will, you will want to make sure you don’t automatically…read more
When Siblings Fight – Removing a co-attorney
Anybody with a sibling can tell you. Nobody gets under your skin quite like a brother or a sister can. When it comes to care in their old age, many parents will name multiple children as their attorneys for property or personal care. The sentiment is understandable. Parents may not want certain children to feel…read more