When Siblings Fight – Removing a co-attorney

by: , October 17, 2022

Anybody with a sibling can tell you. Nobody gets under your skin quite like a brother or a sister can. When it comes to care in their old age, many parents will name multiple children as their attorneys for property or personal care. The sentiment is understandable. Parents may not want certain children to feel…read more

Aging Population Brings Greater Risk to Guardianship System

by: , November 27, 2015

An article last month in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Abuse Plagues System of Legal Guardians for Adults” noted a variety of complaints across the United States about guardians of property and personal care. In one nightmarish story, 71-year old Linda McDowell’s former housemate and companion helped file a court petition, unbeknownst to Ms. McDowell, seeking…read more