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Testamentary Custody
I was recently asked how parents can ensure that the guardian of their choice takes custody of their minor child or children in the event that both parents die simultaneously. In Ontario, parents (or any other person with custody of the child) can nominate someone to assume custody of their child immediately following their death,…read more
You’ve Got…No Spam Anymore! Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation
What is Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation? – You’ve probably been receiving a lot of emails lately asking for your consent to receive further electronic messages. – These emails arise from new Canadian legislation with the not-so-memorable full title, “An Act to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy by regulating certain activities that discourage reliance…read more
Foreign Executors Must Be Careful to Follow the Rules
A recent decision of Justice D. M. Brown, Re Estate of Albert Applegath III, provides an overview of the necessary steps a foreign executor must take to have her authority recognized in Ontario. Albert Applegath III died a resident of New Mexico. His will appointed his wife, Clavis, as executor of his estate. After applying…read more
Bozo Eruption of Secret Tapes: A Litigator’s View
We have been hearing a lot lately about secret audio/video footage – from late night wild rants at the Steak Queen to a pro-life liberal MP chided by a conservative sympathiser into calling Justin Trudeau’s recent stance on abortion a “bozo eruption”. If you google the words “secret taping”, a list of smart phone products appear,…read more
Claims Involving Land Enjoy Extended Limitation Periods
McConnell v Huxtable (ON CA) is a family law dispute with implications for estates and trust law. The parties were in a relationship from 1993 to 2007 – they were not married and did not have children together. The common law husband bought and sold two houses during the relationship and owned a third home…read more
An Unwelcome Guest – Guardian of Property Obtains a Writ of Possession
In 1998, Ms. Tollis was declared incapable of managing her property. In the same year, the Public Guardian and Trustee (the “PGT”) became her statutory guardian of property. Ms. Tollis held an interest in a house along with her brother, Mr. Tollis. The interest in the house was Ms. Tollis’ primary financial asset. Shortly before…read more
Happy Long Weekend
The Victoria Day long weekend marks the unofficial opening of cottage season. Unfortunately, in Ontario, spring is delayed, the lakes are cold, and snow still lingers on the forest floor (trilliums be damned). Nevertheless, a cottage case is just what the judge ordered to mark the start of the season. Clarke v. Johnson is a 2014…read more
Claims By or Against Estates Expire After Two Years
The decision of the Ontario Divisional Court in Cerqueira Estate v Ontario provides a useful discussion of the differences between the limitation periods in the Limitation Act and in the Trustee Act. Whereas limitation periods under the Limitations Act begin running as soon as the cause of the claim is discovered (the principle of discoverability),…read more
Increasing Access to Justice through Orders for Directions
The Supreme Court of Canada has emphasized access to justice as one of the top concerns facing the legal profession today (see our blog post summarizing the Supreme Court’s decision, Hryniak v Mauldin). Justice Brown of the Ontario Superior Court has made practical the Supreme Court’s directives in Re Estate of Ireni Traitses. Re Estate…read more
You Can’t Have It All: Hybrid Trials, Limited Discovery, and Modest Estates
Lorraine Coombs died on April 27, 2012, leaving an estate worth approximately $756,249.00. Her Last Will and Testament left her house and the residue of her estate to one of her four daughters, Susan Coombs (“Susan”). Two of her other daughters, Diane Fergueson (“Diane”) and Charlene Coombs (“Charlene”), each received $60,000 and another daughter, Donna…read more