Opting Out: Submitting Rights to the Court

by: , June 8, 2022

Sometimes an individual who has an interest in an estate (i.e. a beneficiary), does not want or need to participate actively in the litigation. The application or action may name the individual as a respondent or defendant but not seek any relief against her. The individual may be named as a party in the litigation…read more

The Father of My Children: Court-Ordered Paternity Testing

by: , November 2, 2020

This blog was written by Tyler Lin, student-at-law In the Quebec case of Adoption – 091, Dubois J. made reference to the Latin maxim: “Mater semper certa est, pater incertus,” which means: the mother is always certain, but the father, uncertain. This phrase sums up the historical treatment of paternity before the relatively recent advent…read more

Mediation vs. Arbitration – What’s the Difference?

by: , May 25, 2020

I am often asked what is the difference between mediation and arbitration. That question is usually followed by another: is one better than the other? In this blog, I will examine the differences between mediation and arbitration and outline some of the advantages of each. Mediation Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution. It…read more

Bozo Eruption of Secret Tapes: A Litigator’s View

by: , June 4, 2014

We have been hearing a lot lately about secret audio/video footage – from late night wild rants at the Steak Queen to a pro-life liberal MP chided by a conservative sympathiser into calling Justin Trudeau’s recent stance on abortion a “bozo eruption”. If you google the words “secret taping”, a list of smart phone products appear,…read more