Legal Papers

You’ve Been Appointed as Attorney for Property or Care – Now What?

by: and , May 16, 2017

It is now all too common that family disputes erupt over issues of capacity and managing parents’ property and personal care.  As society ages and people live longer, more disputes and litigation will inevitably and regrettably arise (and already do).  Clients come to lawyers seeking advice.  Common questions included: What are the duties and responsibilities…read more

2012 Recent Guardianship Cases – A Critical Analysis

by: and , May 1, 2014

Guardianship or power of attorney disputes are never pleasant. Unfortunately, such disputes usually involve family members and often drag up long standing, unresolved issues between family members. Litigants can quickly lose perspective, disregard the best interests of the incapable person, and engage in scorched earth litigation. As the population ages and lives longer, such family…read more