Firm News

Justin to Speak to the Estate Planners Council of Halton and at the Six-Minute Estates Lawyer Program of 2022
Justin de Vries will be speaking to the Estate Planners Council of Halton on April 21, on the subject of “Estates, Trusts and Capacity Legal Update – Recent Cases of Note”. Subsequently, he will speak at the Law Society of Ontario’s annual Six-Minute Estates Lawyer program on May 25, 2022. His topic will be on…read more
de VRIES LITIGATION LLP is looking for a new associate to join our firm. We are seeking a candidate with 2+ years of litigation experience. Estate litigation experience is an asset but not required. de VRIES LITIGATION LLP is a recognized leader in the thriving estate, trust and capacity bar. We are a collegial and collaborative firm…read more
Justin and Karen to Speak at Hamilton Law Association Estate & Trust Seminar
Justin de Vries and Karen Watters will be speaking at the Hamilton Law Association’s Estate & Trust Seminar on February 24. Karen will be speaking on case law updates regarding the Calmusky decision of 2020, and Justin will be speaking on the topic of assessors. We hope you can join us for this excellent program.
Diane to Chair Program on Cultural Competency & Elder Law
On December 2, 2021, Diane will chair the OBA’s program “Cultural Competency & Elder Law: Practical & Ethical Considerations.” The program addresses issues surrounding providing legal services to Ontario’s aging multicultural population.
Tyler to Speak for OBA’s Make-a-Will-Month Initiative
Every November, the Ontario Bar Association celebrates Make-a-Will-Month. It is an opportunity for members of the legal community to help educate the public about the importance of having a will done by a lawyer. On November 24 and 25, Tyler Lin will be speaking on behalf of the Ontario Bar Association in this initiative at…read more
Justin to Speak at LSO’s 24th Estates and Trusts Summit
Justin will be speaking at the Law Society of Ontario’s 24th Estates and Trusts Summit (Day One) on October 20, 2021. This annual two-day program covers the most important developments in estate law. Day one of the program addresses the latest and greatest on estates, trusts and capacity/elder law litigation. Justin’s talk is titled, “Litigating…read more
Diane Interviewed for Canadian Lawyer Article on Estate Lawyers
Diane Vieira was interviewed for the Canadian Lawyer article, Why you need an estate lawyer. The article features both estate litigators and estate planners discussing estate law and how estate lawyers can assist in resolving disputes.
de VRIES LITIGATION LLP recognized by Best Lawyers in Canada
de VRIES LITIGATION LLP is pleased to announce that Justin de Vries, Gillian Fournie, Jacob Kaufman and Diane Vieira have been recognized in the 16th edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada for their work in Trusts and Estates. Justin was also recognized in the category of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Thank you to our peers for their…read more
Congrats Tyler!
de VRIES LITIGATION LLP congratulates Tyler Lin on his call to the Ontario Bar. We are excited to announce that Tyler will continue his career with our firm as an associate. All of us at de VRIES LITIGATION LLP look forward to continuing to work with Tyler.
Justin to Speak at The Six-Minute Estates Lawyer 2021 Program
On May 13, 2021, Justin will be speaking on Hotchpot Clauses at the Law Society of Ontario’s The Six-Minute Estates Lawyer Program. See the LSO’s website for further information and registration details.